Each student athlete that steps into the Warren Central High School weightroom dons the Warrior’s black and gold logo across their chest with pride.
They smile. They clown on each other. They play. Just as you’d expect from 14-18 year old high school students.
But, as the students let the door close behind them and enter the Warrior’s weight room, it’s all business.
They’re here to work.
Each student has a clear plan, a particular focus, and nothing on their mind outside of getting better.
Warren is lucky to have Coach Shay, Coach Robertson, and Coach Siminski the Warriors’ dedicated athletic weights teachers solely focused on implementing the school’s unified training program.
Every student adheres to one program.
There are no English teachers pretending to be Joe DeFranco after school at Warren Central. Here, athletes’ performance is taken seriously. The school dedicates resources accordingly and 22 state titles would suggest they’re getting an impressive, consistent return on their investment.
Located in the blue collar outskirts of Indianapolis, the school’s athletic program rises above, evident by its #3 national Sports Illustrated ranking. And, while the mission statement emblazoned on Warren’s masthead claims to “prepare all students to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse society,” the stacked trophy case inside Warren’s field house might argue their mission statement is a bit more simple…
With a student body ranging from a noodle-legged, lanky freshman to chiseled, Division 1 worthy seniors, Warren’s strength staff must differentiate their methods to the individual needs of each and every student athlete. Until recently, the staff would scramble to collect student athlete data at the end of each training session by chasing after hundreds of workout cards each and every day.
“It’s so important to give each student athlete daily goals and numbers to hit in their training sessions. To find what was appropriate for each student athlete, we’d collect workout cards after each training session and manually input training data to Excel. Our coaches were spending more time behind a computer than they were on the floor coaching our student athletes. We’d spend time on weekends doing this, away from our families”
At the recommendation of Jason West, Warren’s Head Football Coach, the strength staff started using TrainHeroic almost two years ago. With the capability to print each athlete’s individualized workout, the staff created their training program in a single afternoon with the support of TrainHeroic’s Performance team. The next day, they introduced TrainHeroic to the team and each athlete created an account in the school’s computer lab in the span of an hour.
“The hardest part for us was just making the change. Coach West says. “We already had a process in place. Although it was outdated, we could collect all the data we needed and communicate it back to our athletes using the old-fashioned paper-and-pen method. TrainHeroic allows us to print workout cards and that’s what we did initially. When we realized how quickly we could take our training program and distribute it with the iPad app, it was a no-brainer to go all in and make this a cornerstone of our system.”
For the Warren Central strength staff, developing each and every student athlete to their full athletic potential is the main focus. Systematically collecting data on each athlete in real-time through TrainHeroic’s Team Training App helps the staff accurately communicate each athlete’s numbers, and it does so effortlessly so that staff can focus on what they do best: coach.
Each and every student athlete’s training log and history is tracked. Each rep of every set is collected and considered. Based on actual results, student athletes can find their name on the daily Leaderboard to see how they stack up to their peers for a little added motivation.
“These kids love to compete. Anything that we can do to drive competition is a win for us and it gets them that much more excited about being here. Being able to look up at a leaderboard, or even pull that thing up on their phone before and after they’re here…that’s what it’s all about.” Says Coach West.
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When Coach West first introduced TrainHeroic to the team, athletes and coaches were excited to say the least. They we’re stoked to have instant visibility into their performance, both daily and historically. Plus, being able to preview the workout before they walked into the weightroom helped to speed things up for the staff which was an added bonus.
“We mount the team training app to each rack in the weightroom so our students can quickly see what we expect of them, set after set. We get every single thing that happens here tracked, and in real-time. The only thing we can’t track is the excitement from each student athlete. They’re bought-in because we’re on the cutting edge. And, when you’re chasing proper numbers you make continual progress says Warrior strength coach, Rob Robertson. “Progress goes a long way in getting student athletes excited to be here every day.”
With hundreds of student athletes humming thru the weight room each day and only three fully dedicated staff members to manage the school’s strength program, the coaching staff relies on the data collected by TrainHeroic to see trends, both positive and negative. TrainHeroic’s analytics allow the staff to quickly assess attendance and activity so it’s clear who’s training regularly and who might need a bit of a nudge. Digging deeper, each student athlete’s progress is tracked, lift by lift, telling a story about each individual in the program.
“There’s no more hunting for data. With TrainHeroic I have all the insights that I need as a strength coach, right at my fingertips.” Says Warriors’ strength coach, Derek Shay. “TrainHeroic has helped our program take another step forward and for us that means creating separation between ourselves and the rest of schools in the conference, state, and even the country.”
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